July 23, 2014

8:15 p.m.
Dad couldn't eat very much and can't do a lot on his own; he had to get a mickey today and can't even drink all of it. He was like "I am so f***ing tired of this" and I am quoting him, so it's not like I'm cussing. Mom wanted him to be back in the hospital and he got angry at that, but she returned him to the hospital because they can help him more there. There were calls from people offering support and I'm grateful that I finally made the blog public, as every drop of support is NEEDED and appreciated.

Additionally, when he found out he had terminal cancer, he had just gotten through a week of rehab and came home after quitting it. He had been offered a new trucking job and was due to start the day he got the news. If he had gotten the new job, he would have continued drinking and driving like he was before when he trucked for Kunsman. 

Now that he is dying, he is continuing to drink with the attitude, "F*** it, I'm going to die anyway."


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