Renting A Mortality - written by Heather Cameron - October 13, 2014

Renting A Mortality - written by Heather Cameron - October 13, 2014
The sadness that comes
when two people act for legs
that can no longer lift themselves
because cancer has turned them into stone.
oh, how people grow and then wither later on.
Living and dying are all part of the Lord's plan.
Even though we may not fully understand.

Why must suffering be so long and hard?
Yes, Christ died that way so that we would not have to.
Yet, for mere mortals, dying is a long journey.
When limbs become useless, the spirit yearns to be free
from a body that is slowly fading back into dust.
A spirit will soon be free, if it be God's will.
Bodies need time to be perfectly rebuilt.

During that rest from mortal life
spirits learn and grow, far away and free from strife.
To some, heaven is away from mortal woes
God is waiting to carry those enduring safely home.
Time grows short and for some will soon come the end.
For on our bodies we are only paying a daily rent.

Heaven sent us here to learn and grow.
That from our experiences we may know
how to love, teach, learn, and thrive.
That in eternity, we may joyfully survive
far from the trials that mortality brings
Once free from pain, we'll all gladly sing.

written by Heather Leigh Cameron.
(c) October 13, 2014.


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